How do I reactivate my membership?

Please ensure sure to reactivate your membership within 30 days of your last unemployment payments (from Centrelink or other sources) or your (or your spouse’s) return to work date. 

What to do

1. Complete a Reactivate suspended cover form

2. Source valid supporting documentation. Examples include:

  • Evidence of the last unemployment payment received
  • Statutory declaration or letter from your employer advising your return-to-work date.

3. Submit the above documents via: 

What next?

Once we’ve received your form and supporting info, we’ll reactivate your membership.

Why the 30-day deadline?

Unless we receive your form and document within 30 days of your last unemployment payment (from Centrelink or other sources) or your (or your spouse’s) return to work date, we’ll have to cancel your membership from the date of suspension.

This could impact your Lifetime Health Cover status, Medicare Levy Surcharge and waiting periods, among other things.

For more on this see Suspension vs cancellation