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Winning hearts (and awards!)
Our members deserve the best, so it’s great to have won the Roy Morgan Customer Satisfaction Award for Major Private Health Insurer of the Year – Not for Profit or Restricted Fund 2022. Plus, five Mozo People's Choice Awards 2023.

Get 6 weeks free*
Join with Hospital & Extras cover by 30 April and skip the 2 & 6 month waits on Extras like general dental, optical and physio!
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Why Teachers Health?
Your cover options

Combined cover
StarterPak (Basic Plus) gives you Hospital & Extras without the big price tag.
Terms and conditions
*Eligibility criteria and conditions apply. Offer is available to new members who join Teachers Health with Hospital & Extras cover, or StarterPak (Basic Plus) by 30 April 2025. Six weeks' free health cover applies after the first direct debit contribution payment has been received. Two and six month waiting periods are waived on Extras services only. Enter the promo code 'SIX' when joining online. See terms and conditions
Suggested cover for you
Scope of cover
Hospital Cover
See below for more on some of the key terms in your quote.
A restricted service is one with limited cover. You can choose your specialist but are likely to have significant out-of-pocket costs if they treat you at a private hospital. With a public hospital admission (if you’re a private patient), it depends on what the hospital charges private patients. Learn more about restricted cover |
To keep health insurance fair for everyone, you may need to wait before you can claim – it’s called a waiting period. They apply: • to anyone new to private health insurance • if you upgrade your cover to include things that weren’t covered before • if you upgrade your cover when you join from another health fund. If you leave another fund, join us within 60 days to avoid re-serving any applicable waiting periods. |
Pre-existing conditions | 12 months |
Pregnancy & birth related services | 9 months |
Psychiatric, rehabilitation & palliative care | 2 months |
All other hospital services | 2 months |
Emergency ambulance transport | 1 day |
Non-emergency ambulance transport | 1 day |
A pre-existing condition is an illness, ailment or condition where the signs or symptoms existed at any time during the six months before you got your Hospital cover, or transferred to a higher level of cover. Where relevant, we appoint a medical practitioner to determine whether you have a pre-existing condition, based on information provided by your treating doctor or specialist. The waiting period for a pre-existing condition is 12 months (the Mental Health Waiver is one exception – see below). |
The Mental Health Waiver helps members with Hospital cover – who aren’t on a Gold-level product – access in-hospital (inpatient) psychiatric treatment. Top Hospital (Gold) is the only level of Teachers Health Hospital cover on which the hospital psychiatric services clinical category is ‘covered’ (rather than ‘restricted’). The waiver allows you to upgrade to Top Hospital (Gold) and get inpatient treatment right away, without serving the usual two-month waiting period. You can access the waiver once in a lifetime, provided you’ve had Hospital cover for at least two months before you use it. |
Extras Cover
Here are some explainers to shed light on the more complex stuff.
To keep health insurance fair for everyone, you may need to wait before you can claim – it’s called a waiting period. They apply: • to anyone new to private health insurance • if you upgrade your cover to include things that weren’t covered before • if you upgrade your cover when you join from another health fund. If you leave another fund, join us within 60 days to avoid re-serving any applicable waiting periods. |
General Dental, Therapies, Artificial Aids | 2 months |
Optical, Healthy Lifestyle | 6 months |
Major Dental, Orthodontia, Medical Appliances, Hearing Aids | 12 months |
Wheelchair purchase | 24 months |
Emergency Ambulance transport | 1 day |
Dental & optical You can access a range of quality dental and optical services at Teachers Health Centres. If you can’t get to one of our centres, there are plenty of other providers in our network . |
Other Extras You can find providers for other Extras by using the Healthshare tool. It allows you to search by specialty or name and location. |
Choosing a provider We can only pay claims for treatment from qualified and registered providers in a private practice. Luckily most meet this description, but if you’re unsure ask them if they’re a recognised provider with Teachers Health. |
For each service that’s included in your Extras cover you’ll see a maximum amount (dollars and/or a percentage) that you can claim – this is the benefit. In most cases there are annual limits on Extras services – the total amount you can claim in a calendar year. A note on Orthodontia, it has a lifetime limit rather than an annual limit – calculated across any health fund a member has belonged to. Some services also have sub-limits, the maximum you can claim per year for a specific sub-category of that service (like group therapy on a physio limit). Benefits and limits vary on each level of cover. When choosing, consider which Extras you’re likely to use, and how often. If there’s more than one person covered, check for per person or per family limits that may apply. |
Under the Pharmaceutical benefit, you may be able to claim for medication that’s prescribed by a doctor but isn’t already subsidised by the government’s Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). The medication does need to be approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) though. That will rule out medication that’s in a clinical trial, for instance. We recommend that Teachers Health members call us to check whether they can claim for a given medication (if they’re unsure). |
Ready to switch?
Join online in around 7 minutes or speak to our friendly team on 1300 900 301.
Your Cover
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