Perinatal mental health
Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of new parents

7 November 2022
Reviewed by Ternity Group, Maternity and Early Parenting Education
Pregnancy and having a baby can be one of life’s most rewarding experiences – a new life, tiny fingers and toes, that newborn smell! But as many new parents will report, it can also be one of the most challenging. Whether you’re a first-time parent or a seasoned professional, with each pregnancy and new baby comes highs and lows, so it’s important not to overlook your mental health or that of someone you love.
What is perinatal mental health?
Depression and anxiety can start before or during pregnancy and can continue after the baby’s been born. Antenatal depression or anxiety refers to the period during pregnancy and before birth, while postnatal depression or anxiety occurs after giving birth and, without treatment, can last for months or even years. Perinatal covers both antenatal and postnatal (the whole period from conception to when the baby is 12 months old).
Many new parents will experience some degree of anxiety at this time (it’s a time of great adjustment after all). But for some it’s a more pronounced anxiety or depression. While the symptoms and severity vary from person to person, according to PANDA perinatal anxiety and/or depression affects up to 1 in 5 new mums and up to 1 in 10 new dads [1].
Tiny baby, BIG changes!
Many biological and physical changes (not just the obvious ones!) happen during pregnancy and birth, and the psychological and emotional impacts of such a big life change shouldn’t be underestimated.
As a new parent you can feel like you’re expected to become a change management expert overnight (amongst other jobs!) – juggling changes to sleep patterns, normal routines, household responsibilities, finances, relationships, and sense of identity (including things like career and hobbies) to name just a few. Throw sleep deprivation and exhaustion into the mix and it’s easy to see how feelings of stress and overwhelm can be heightened during this time.
While mixed emotions (love, happiness, fear, doubt … the list goes on!) are to be expected, it’s important to recognise if it’s more than that and ask for help.
What to look out for
There’s no one symptom of perinatal depression or anxiety – women and men may find their mood, behaviour and relationships are affected. While symptoms vary, PANDA reports that some common changes to look out for include:
Changes to mood |
Changes to behaviour |
Anxiety and relationships |
Persistent generalised worry, often focused on the health or wellbeing of your baby |
Panic attacks (racing heart, chest pain, breathless, shaking – feeling like you might pass out) |
Avoiding people or places that might trigger anxiety or a panic attack |
Feeling nervous, on edge, stressed and panicky |
Easily startled, feeling scared for no good reason |
Worry about telling your postnatal care team what’s happening |
Abrupt mood swings, easily irritated |
Disrupted sleep patterns |
Withdrawing from friends and family |
Feelings of dread or impending doom |
Elevated breathing and heart rate, muscle tension |
Increased arguments with loved ones |
Excessive fears about life with your baby and your identity as a parent |
Vertigo: feeling dizzy, faint, trembly |
Racing thoughts, thinking about all the ‘what if’s’ (catastrophising) |
Appetite changes |
Developing obsessive or compulsive thoughts |
Changes to libido |
Intrusive thoughts |
Urges to self-harm |
Feeling isolated, scared and lonely even around loved ones |
Developing obsessive or compulsive behaviours (e.g. excessive checking of baby’s breathing when they’re asleep, cleaning, endless internet searches related to infant health or other concerns) |
Perinatal anxiety and depression: Signs and symptoms | PANDA
Changes to mood |
Changes to behaviour |
Anxiety and relationships |
Feeling sad, low, hopeless, frequent crying |
Lacking energy or motivation |
Withdrawing from friends and family |
Difficulty with focus, concentration or memory, ‘brain fog’ |
Persistent fatigue |
Increased arguments with loved ones |
Feeling disconnected from your baby and loved ones |
Disrupted sleep patterns |
Little or no interest in daily activities that usually bring joy (time with baby, partner or friends, exercise, eating, career, study or hobbies) |
Abrupt mood swings |
Appetite changes |
Feeling worthless, ashamed, critical self-talk |
Changes to libido |
Feeling isolated and lonely even around others |
Engaging in risk-taking behaviour (e.g. substance use, overspending) |
Thoughts of death or suicide |
Urges to self-harm |
Perinatal anxiety and depression: Signs and symptoms | PANDA
Risk factors to keep in mind
We’re all different – physically, emotionally, and mentally. And this make-up, in addition to our exposure to stressful situations, can affect how likely we are to develop symptoms of perinatal anxiety and/or depression.
According to COPE there are also a number of specific risk factors that may increase the likelihood. While it’s important to remember that having one or more of these risk factors doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll experience perinatal mental health issues, it’s good to be aware of them as it can help early diagnosis and treatment if needed.
The risk factors include:
- A personal or family history of mental health problems
- Having an anxious or perfectionistic personality
- History of abuse (sexual, physical or psychological)
- Current drug and/or alcohol use
- Increased current life stressors (this can include things like moving house, financial worries, relationship problems, IVF, multiple birth, a difficult or traumatic pregnancy or birth, or ongoing health problem with the baby)
- Lacking practical, social and/or emotional support [2].
You’re not alone
The main thing to remember is that you’re not alone. Talk to others about how you’re feeling – you might know someone who’s been in a similar position (it’s often more common than people realise). Ask for help from family or friends – even little things like having a friend or family member sit with your baby while you sleep, shower or visit your GP can be a big help!
Chat to your GP or health professional about treatment or medication (there are pregnancy and breastfeeding safe options). And remember, there’s no shame in asking for help. Early diagnosis and management are important steps in managing perinatal mental health, so the sooner you ask for help the better.
If you’re concerned about yourself or someone you know, you can:
- Speak to your GP or health professional
- Contact Pregnancy, Birth & Baby on 1800 882 436 – free call 7 days a week to speak to a specialised health professional or visit for more info
- Contact Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia (PANDA) on 1300 726 306 (Monday – Friday 9am – 7.30pm) or visit for more information
- Speak to trusted family members or friends
- If you need help now call Lifeline on 13 11 14
- If your life is in danger call 000
Teachers Health New Families Program
Help is also at hand for eligible Teachers Health members through our New Families Program. The program includes:
- Online antenatal and early parenting short courses on pregnancy health, labour, birth, breastfeeding, parenting, infant and toddler sleep and settling
- Telephone support from an Early Parenting Consultant, including personalised advice on sleep, settling and breastfeeding
- A welcome pack with foundations and fundamentals handbook guide and infant massage fact sheet with expert advice from allied health professionals.
Find out how else your Teachers Health cover can support you during pregnancy and birth.
[1] Perinatal anxiety and depression: Signs and symptoms | PANDA
[2] Am I at risk of perinatal depression or anxiety? (
Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia (PANDA)
Beyond Blue
Centre of Perinatal Excellence (COPE)
Pregnancy, Birth & Baby