Reconciliation Action Plan

Reconciliation Action Plan

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Reconciliation Action Plan

As Australia’s largest industry-based health fund, Teachers Health Group is uniquely positioned to make a positive difference, not only to our people and the members we serve, but also in the communities in which we operate.


Our Journey Towards Reconciliation

We understand any journey towards reconciliation starts with building trust and respect, valuing justice and equity for all Australians. While we have maintained a strong focus on building respectful relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, communities and businesses, we know there’s still more to do.


A Formal Commitment to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, Communities and Businesses

We are committed to building reconciliation, working in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities and ensuring our staff deepen their understanding of - and connections to - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and histories.

We’re delighted to launch our first Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) - Reflect, an extension of our values, attitudes, beliefs and genuine commitment to achieving positive change.


The RAP outlines the practical steps we will take to create meaningful opportunities with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and achieve long-lasting and equitable outcomes.


View our Reconciliation Action Plan.

THF NMH UNI Reconciliation Action Plan


In the artwork, a HEART represents the values of Teachers Health Group, whose members are at the heart of everything they do. HEART is at the essence of Teachers Health Group’s culture.

It defines the principles all employees work towards to create an exceptional member and employee experience. The symbols around the HEART represent all members across Australia, including Teachers Health, Nurses & Midwives Health and UniHealth.

The design represents all three brands and reflects the unity they demonstrate in serving members together. Teachers Health Group’s employees are also represented in the symbols around the HEART. They are instrumental in bringing the organisation’s promise to members to life – putting them at the HEART of all they do.

Reconciliation Action Plan - our vision through artwork (video)